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Eye Conditions

In each of our clinics across Australia, our friendly team of highly qualified eye care professionals diagnose a wide range of vision problems everyday in patients of all ages, providing effective treatment and management strategies no matter their concern.

This includes everything from conjunctivitis or pink eye which can cause itchiness and swelling, to having pterygium or fleshy growths that can grow to cover a large part of the eye.

No matter your concern, whether you need a regular eye exam, have been meaning to get a vision disturbance checked for some time, or are experiencing pain or discomfort in or around your eye, we’re here to help.

Our optometrists can give you peace of mind using advanced technology to detect changes early, and accurately discern between various conditions that may appear to have similar symptoms at first glance. This allows you to begin appropriate treatment promptly to preserve your sight and maintain your overall eye health.

Some of the most common eye diseases and vision problems that our optometrists see include:

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that can make the vision in the centre of your eye blurry. It happens when advancing age results in damage to the macula — the central part of the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) that is responsible for your central vision. Macular degeneration is more likely in smokers and is a common cause of vision loss for those over 65. Although it doesn’t result in complete blindness, it can make it difficult to accurately read, drive, or see facial expressions. As macular degeneration may progress slowly over time with no significant symptoms at first, it is important to get regular eye exams to detect it as early as possible so that your eye care professional can get you on track with treatment to prevent further vision loss, which may include certain vitamins and minerals, injections or laser treatments.


  • Cataracts are cloudy patches located within the lens of your eyeball. In people over 80 years old, they’re one of the most common causes of vision loss, as well as in those who have experienced significant exposure to harmful UV rays, smoking, or diabetes. The symptoms of cataracts may not be noticeable at first. Still, your vision may gradually become blurry, hazy, or less colourful over time, and you may find difficulty seeing the television or doing everyday activities. The good news is that cataracts can often be effectively removed with surgery, which can correct your vision and may even implant an artificial lens in your eye. Through a comprehensive eye examination, optometrists can pick up on cataracts even in their early stages.


  • Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a common eye disease that can cause notable redness and swelling in both the whites of your eye and the inside of your eyelid. Your eye may also feel itchy and painful, or have a sticky discharge that may clump your eyelashes together, especially upon waking in the morning.
  • Pink eye can be triggered by allergens such as animals or pollen, bacteria, or viruses, and can be very contagious. To prevent it spreading between family members and others, it’s important to wash your hands often and avoid sharing items like sunglasses, towels, or makeup. Fortunately, many cases of pink eye will resolve on their own, however other types may require specialised treatment from an optometrist. It’s recommended to see your optometrist if the symptoms continue to get worse, impact your vision or involve pain. Babies with suspected pink eye should be immediately seen by a doctor.

Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that can occur in people with diabetes, which can cause vision loss and blindness by affecting the blood vessels in your retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of your eye. It’s important to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year if you have diabetes, as diabetic retinopathy often does not have any obvious symptoms in the early stages, but early treatment may help you to prevent further damage and improve your vision. To prevent this condition and delay vision loss, we recommend managing your diabetes by staying physically active, eating healthily, and taking diabetic medication, as well as coming in to see our optometrists who can guide you towards treatment for more advanced cases which may include laser treatment or surgery.


  • Glaucoma is the name for a collection of eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness over time by damaging the cells in the nerve in the back of your eye called the optic nerve, which sends visual information from your eye to your brain. Glaucoma is more common in people aged over 60 years, and at first, it doesn’t tend to have any symptoms, so half of people with glaucoma don’t even realise they have it until it’s picked up at an eye exam with their optometrist.
  • Over time, you may begin to notice that you can’t see things off to the side, or in your peripheral vision, and without treatment, glaucoma can lead to blindness. There’s currently no complete cure, but early treatment can often prevent the damage and protect your vision, with eye drops, medication, and surgery. The only way to find out if you have glaucoma is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam with an experienced optometrist.

Pterygium (Fleshy Growth)

  • A pterygium, pronounced “te-ridge-e-um” is a vascular, fleshy growth of tissue in the corner of the eye that is often triangular in shape. It can develop when you’re exposed to high amounts of ultraviolet (UV) light, and it’s most common in people who live in sunny areas or who spend a lot of time outdoors such as farmers, skiers and fishermen. It can grow very slowly, but eventually cover a large part of the eye, blocking vision and causing symptoms of dry eyes such as burning, itching or watery eyes. In some cases, the pterygium may need to be surgically removed.


  • Commonly known as having a lazy eye, amblyopia occurs in infancy or early childhood, and usually affects one eye. Symptoms can include a wandering eye or eyes that may not appear to work together. Amblyopia is caused by a misalignment of the eyes, or a difference in refractive error between the two eyes, leading to one eye receiving a blurred image. As a result, the brain starts to rely more on the other, non-affected eye, causing the affected eye to weaken over time. If left untreated, amblyopia can cause permanent vision loss in the affected eye. However, if detected early, it can often be treated successfully with corrective glasses, contact lenses, or vision therapy. In some cases, patching the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to work can also be effective.

Retinal Detachment

  • A retinal detachment happens when your retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of your eye, is pulled away from its usual position at the back. You may not notice any symptoms, but in some cases, you may not be able to see as clearly as normal, and you may notice other sudden symptoms, including:
  • •  A lot of new floaters (small dark spots or squiggly lines that float across your vision)
  • •  Flashes of light in one eye or both eyes
  • •  A dark shadow or “curtain” on the sides or in the middle of your field of vision
  • Retinal detachment is a medical emergency. If you have symptoms of a detached retina, it’s important to contact your optometrist or the emergency room immediately.

UV Damage

  • Like our skin, the cells in our eyes can be easily damaged from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation over time, whether from sunlight, blue light from screens, or even indoor lighting. It can cause damage to your retina – the back surface of your eye, and your lens – a clear layer within your eyeball that helps to focus your vision.
  • The longer you’re exposed to UV rays, the more intense your symptoms are likely to be, including pain, twitching, swelling, redness, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, or watery eyes. Fortunately,  mild cases of UV damage will heal without treatment. Still, repeated exposure can increase your risk of developing eye and eyelid cancers, corneal sunburn, cataracts, macular degeneration, and tissue growth on the eye’s surface.
  • Alongside your yearly eye exam, we recommend making an appointment with your optometrist to order your own pair of UV-blocking or blue light sunglasses. We have a wide range of protective eyewear and contact lenses available for adults and children and can custom-build these to meet your prescription needs.

No matter your concern, we’re here to help. To book your comprehensive eye exam with one of our experienced team members, contact one of your local clinics here.

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